If you're a coffee drinker, you probably can't imagine what your day would be like starting without a cup of coffee. As you sip on youre favorite cup of joe, the caffeine perks you up and gets you ready to take on the day. But the question is, does drinking coffee benefit your health?
The early studies on coffee had suggested it might cause health problems; however, recent research has provided strong evidence that drinking coffee can have a variety of health benefits.
“According to a lot of evidence, Coffee appears to be more healthful than harmful in terms of overall health outcomes,” said Frank Hu, chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Coffee and Fat Burning
Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, which communicates to the fat cells that fat needs to be broken down. This is done by increasing epinephrine levels in the blood. The hormone adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, reaches your fat tissues, signaling them to break down fats and release them into your bloodstream.
Until you burn more calories than you consume through your diet, releasing fat into your blood does not help you lose fat. We call this a negative energy balance. If you eat less or exercise more, you can reach a negative energy balance. Another complementary strategy is using fat-burning supplements like caffeine.
The caffeine in coffee increases your resting metabolic rate, which means you burn more calories while at rest. A higher metabolic rate makes it easier for you to lose weight and allow you to eat more without gaining weight. In a study, caffeine increased fat burning by up to 29% in individuals who were lean while the increase was less than 10% in those who were obese. As you age, caffeine's effect appears to diminish, and it is greatest in younger people.
Boosts Energy Levels
Caffeine is a neurostimulator that helps fight fatigue and increases energy levels. This is because caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, which increase levels of dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the brain, which are involved in managing energy levels.
In a study, it was concluded that those participants who consumed caffeine significantly reduced their subjective levels of fatigue during a cycling exercise and increased time to exhaustion by 12%. Therefore, caffeine in coffee is proven to increase energy levels and decrease fatigue by altering neurotransmitter levels in the brain.
Impacts on Mental health
Coffee appears to have positive effects on mental health because it has anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and microbiome-promoting properties, which are also associated with a reduced risk of cancer and chronic disease.
Coffee reduces oxidation
People suffering from depression have elevated levels of blood oxidative stress markers. In women suffering from depression, the diets tended to be lower in antioxidant capacity (partially due to low coffee consumption). As a major antioxidants source, coffee helps to reduce depression and stress.
Coffee fights inflammation
Higher levels of inflammation-related proteins are associated with depression and suicidal ideation. Antidepressant medications reduce the levels of some inflammation markers in the blood. Coffee contains anti-inflammatory acids such as chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, and caffeic acid. People with depression can benefit from these acids by reducing the inflammation of nerve cells.
Caffeine blocks mood-depressing chemicals in the brain
Caffeine prevents receptors in the brain from interacting with adenosine, a chemical that can cause fatigue and depression. People who drink more coffee have higher levels of adenosine in their blood since the chemical is no longer able to interact with these receptors as a result of drinking more coffee. Thus, by blocking mood-depressing chemicals in the brain coffee is a therapy to reduce depression and anxiety.
Brain-Boosting Effects of Caffeine
It has been shown that caffeine increases resting brain entropy. An increased level of brain entropy indicates a high level of processing ability. Other neurotransmitters, such as noradrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin, are also stimulated by caffeine in the CNS. There are various ways in which caffeine may improve brain function, including:
- Emotional state
- Response time
- Alertness
- Focusing
- Overall cognitive function
Over time, you may become tolerant to caffeine. It means to achieve the same results; you'll have to consume more coffee than before. But we must remember that more isn't always better.
Can Help Prevent Liver Disease
According to several studies, coffee may help to preserve liver health and prevent disease. Among people suffering from liver disease, drinking more than two cups of coffee per day was linked to lower rates of liver scarring and liver cancer. Researchers found that coffee consumption may decrease liver stiffness, a measure used by healthcare professionals to measure fibrosis or scarring in the liver.
Additionally, studies indicate that coffee drinking lowers the risk of chronic liver disease-related death. Those who drink one cup of coffee per day reduce their risk by 15%, while those who drink four cups per day reduce their risk by 71%.
Prolonging Life Expectancy
Coffee has a host of potential health benefits that may contribute to extending lifespan, according to some research. It is interesting to note that a study in test tubes showed that coffee significantly extended the life span of yeast by protecting it from free radicals and DNA damage.
An analysis of 40 studies concluded that drinking two to four cups of coffee daily reduced the risk of death irrespective of factors such as age, weight status, and alcohol consumption.
Caffeine Safe Limit
The Food and Drug Administration recommends that healthy adults consume up to 400 milligrams of caffeine (about four cups of brewed coffee) each day. However, the average American consumes 135 mg of caffeine daily, which is the equivalent of 1.5 cups of coffee (1 cup equals 8 ounces). According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, pregnant women's caffeine intake should be limited to 200 mg per day (about 2 cups of brewed coffee).
It is recommended by the American Academy of Paediatrics that children under 12 years of age avoid food or beverages containing caffeine. Teenagers aged 12 and older should not consume more than 100 mg of caffeine a day. This is equivalent to two or three 12-ounce cans of cola soda.
Coffee is a popular beverage and could help provide you with several health benefits, like boosting energy levels, enhancing brain function, and protecting against chronic disease.
However, it's important to remember that the quality of the beans you use and how you brew themcan make a big difference. In order to maximize the benefits of your coffee, you should ensure that you are using quality beans and brewing them in the right manner.
Choose high qualtiy coffee beans, like ours at The Real Good Coffee Company and start enjoying the amazing benefits of coffee.